
When you’re Traveling at the Speed of Bike, you are face to face with humanity; you wave and nod in solidarity; and you often share words of support with other vulnerable road users navigating public space. 

See Waves, Nods, and Words of Support for tiny examples captured on my body camera* (put the sound up on the first one). It may not seem like much to you, but, trust me, it feels like a million bucks every time it happens and it makes me feel part of a community at a time when that’s more important than ever.

Following a recent meeting of fellow North American Bicycle Mayors, I talked separately this week with Arcy Canumay — the Bicycle Mayor of Waterloo, Canada — about creating a “rolling wave” social medial campaign in the United States during National Bike Month in May that passes the momentum to Canada for their National Bike Month in June. Today I’m participating in a global Bicycle Mayor call to brainstorm ideas for World Bicycle Day June 3.

Why not have a rolling wave all over the world and keep the momentum of this bike boom going, going, going?

Let’s invite new people into the human-powered movement in the most simple of ways — by a friendly wave.

  1. Take a photo or video (safely) of yourself or someone else waving on or by a bike.
  2. Post it on social media with the hashtag #rollingwave.
  3. Watch the positive energy and support for bike riding (both needed now more than ever) spread around the world.

*This capture, unfortunately, was not a show of support. But it did lead to three charges, including the first Vulnerable Road User violation (and guilty plea) in the southeastern United States

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