
Well, this is super fun. Last year, I reached out to Courtney Williams, a fellow League Cycling Instructor, to say I was going to be in New York City and did she need any help with a class she was giving to women in a community center between Avenues C and D in Manhattan (not far from where I used to live, in fact). She said yes,I showed up on Citibike, and we’ve stayed in touch ever since.

I’ve loved following Courtney because she’s a powerhouse of purpose, passion, and creativity regarding bike access and education. It’s no surprise that she was recently named the first People’s Bike Czar of New York City. Her latest project is Bike Bingo Wednesdays (on Zoom), where she features a guest or two and we play a couple of fun bingo games together.

I attended week 1 and enjoyed learning about the work of Sean Jackson, co-founder of the Stoned and Fixed cycling lifestyle brand; and Sheryl Yvonne, President of President of Bike Friendly Grand Prairie (TX). Tonight’s guests are Greg Benning, founder of Bike Rescue Mobile Bike Repair Shop; and Josh Bisker, founding member of Mechanical Gardens Bike Coop. The final week’s guest is  . . . me! She wants me to talk about flexibility when plans change. Got it! And you can get these free prizes! (Promotional photo above created by Courtney.)

If interested, sign up here for this Wednesday, next Wednesday or both. Hope to see you!

Note: I’m going to participate in the International Ride of Silence after Bike Wednesday Bingo this week.

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